
More Macabre Book Art

Since someone asked, these images are all taken from Illustrated Book of Japanese Monsters, 1972Enjoy.  



  1. Awesome :D The second one down is simply breathtaking.

  2. These are so rad, love em. I'll be followin for more!

  3. wtf they are so amazing i want them!!!!!!

  4. Amazing would be cool as a wall paper!

  5. Creepy lady from the roof is creepy! : / Yeh stay posted and im sure you will learn a thing or 2 :D Stay tuned mate! :)

  6. I love the second one. Those birdmen are awesome.

  7. awesome i was watching anime called Natsume Yuujinchou and i see much resemblance

    thanks for this its too cool

  8. Yeah, Nyuu a lot of animes are based on Japenese folk lore. The last image is of a nine-tails fox. Sound familiar?

  9. Yep, the second image are of Tengus. I think I'll add a small description next time.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Those are some amazing pictures. I'm going to put them up on my background. To respond to your comment in my blog. You aren't going to have any luck finding DE razors in the stores. Why? Because the big razor companies pay the retail stores only to stock THEIR product. Think about it, 24.99 for 8 razors or 15.99 for 200 razors? They would take an incredible hit financially. Your best bet is to check out stores online. I got some links on the bottom of my blog for specific items I've only ever used and can attest they are worth it. Some people are put off by buying a Safety Razor for 25 bucks, but its the last one you'll ever buy;same thing goes for the badger brush. If you've got any questions, let me know!

  12. these seem to be where a lot of present youma get there inspirations, nice post!

  13. Crazy!!! This book art is out of control Tiger attack style! cool blog! +follow : )

  14. Got home from work and HAD to check out my favorite blog. Pics are the BOMB!!!

  15. Third image makes me thankful for a solid ceiling with no removable tiles for monsters to sneak through
